Zorba's Doggie Bloggie 2.0

Woof everyone!! 

It has been busy and exciting month, paws up...who wants to hear more?

I have more than doubled in size and weight, I am now 11.4kgs! I’m now proudly wearing my Guide Dog tag.


At the Vets

A few weeks ago, I was very poorly because of a tummy bug. I was rushed to the vets (a new vets 30 minutes away because it was the weekend). I had a special injection to stop me being sick and some fluids. I had to stay in doggie hospital for the day and I had loads of cuddles from the vet nurses. I was back being cheeky after a couple of days. Here is me when I was really sick with a tube in my arm that is for the medicine.

The next trip to the vets was much better. I had my vaccination, an injection to stop me getting illnesses that will make me super poorly. I don't want to be rushed to the vets again thank you! Here is a picture of my vet:


The things I have been learning…

I've got the Briggs family nearly trained up. They are kindly up at 0530hrs for a trip outside and they try to convince me to get some more sleep, which I do, sometimes.


Sit and stay

Sitting is important so that when I am with my guide dog owner, I can be patient while they look around a shop. The humans training me must dance around and get me to stay sitting with treats. Their dancing is very funny, and I wonder what the neighbours think to their groovy moves at 6am!

Down dog and settle

I am very quick at lying down for a treat. Here is Fudge and I practising our synchronised down dog. 


When out and about, I need to learn to settle on a mat. Here is me on my special settle mat:

First walk

One week after my injection, I was allowed out for my first walk, on the pavements only. We have been practising indoors, in the garden and on the drive. Oh my, there is so many exciting things to see out there past the driveway! I love the leaves on the floor and anything I can get in my mouth (the humans don’t seem to be excited about this and I have to drop them sadly). They keep saying good things about my walking though and here’s a video of the fun.


Out and about: coffee, shopping and hospitals

Ooooooo, coffee shops are fun. This is my first trip out for coffee, the humans say we have to go to lots of these places to help me settle and be calm. I think it’s because of the cake they get to eat.


I have been carried around a few shops, they are fascinating. I met lots of people at a recent visit to the hospital eye clinic. Ambulances and their flashing lights were very cool.   

Guide dogs – fun facts

There are an amazing 4,452 guide dogs working with their owners at the moment and 1217 puppies like me in training. There are still lots of people who need a guide dog, so I hope I can help someone one day when I am grown up.

It’s been fun to chat to you. Can’t wait to update you next month, I’m going  to be working in my recall, there will be my first run off the lead and then there is the Christmas decorations to investigate! 😊 But for now, it's snooze time...  

Have a pawsome Christmas!

Love, sniffs and waggy tails




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